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Environmentally friendly high performance container moisture absorption.
Hygro Gel
Hydro bag in use

Eco Friendly 

It is possible to dispose of Hygro-Gel as any other regular waste

Space Saving

Specially designed to fit into cavities and corrugated container walls to save space

High Quality

Capable of absorbing moisture up to 360% its own weight with an air humidity of 80%

Time Saving

Simple and quick to install and remove


Absorbing 360% of it’s weight in water, our industry leading bags use calcium chloride to absorb container moisture with maximum efficiency. The water absorbed forms as a gel, eliminating typical leakage found in traditional desiccants. Hygro-Gel uses over 60% of calcium chloride as the active ingredient, approved for use within the agricultural market. Performance engineered with European sourced raw materials for faster, better humidity capture.

Technical Specifications

ProductWeight (g)PCS/ CartonCartons per PalletPallet size (mm)DIN Norm Class BBag Type
Hygro-Gel 2Kg Strip2,0006841000x1200x2008Dust FreeTyvek® Laminate and cover
Hygro-Gel 1200Kg Strip1,2009841000x1200x2008Dust FreeTyvek® Laminate and cover
Hygro-Gel 1000Kg Strip1,00012841000x1200x2008Dust FreeTyvek® Laminate and cover
Hygro-Gel 750g Strip75012841000x1200x2008Dust FreeTyvek® Laminate and two adhesive
Hygro-Gel 500g Strip50020961000x1200x2003Dust FreeTyvek® Laminate
Hygro-Gel 300g Strip30024961000x1200x2003Dust FreeTyvek® Laminate
Hygro-Gel 2Kg Blanket 2000gr10421000x1200x2250Dust FreeTyvek® Laminate cover and two adhesive