
Reducing the impact on Climatic change through Sustainability initiatives

In line with our Corporate Sustainability program (Twenty by 30) goals, we have planned and implemented several Sustainability initiatives/projects across our manufacturing plants in India. 

These includes reducing the impact on Climate change, using natural resources efficiently, supporting circularity, enacting social change with strong commitment to governance and ethics. 
Under the pillar of climate change, 
  • We have focused on renewable energy, specifically on Solar energy and installed Solar Plants to the capacity of 2.98 MW across pan India manufacturing facilities. We generate approximately 40 lakhs units of solar electricity per annum. This is reducing the Carbon Footprint, on average 2953 Mt per year, helping in climatic improvement.  
  • We have implemented several energy efficiency improvement projects which have helped in reducing electricity consumption of 3.38 lakhs units per annum, in the process it helped in reducing the carbon footprint by 245 Mt per annum. These projects include improving efficiency in Chillers, Compressors, Motors, and Blowers

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Dahej solar panels
Dahej solar panels