Sustainable Packaging for Steel Tiles in Office Furniture

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Steel Tiles Challenge of Packaging

Sustainable Packaging for Steel Tiles used in Office Furniture

The Challenge

We were tasked to provide packaging to comply with legislation for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws. As of 2024, EPR legislation has been passed in California, Colorado, Maine, Oregon, New Jersey, Minnesota, and Washington, with other states expected to follow.

A close collaboration found that we needed to provide a solution to offer similar damage resistance and load characteristics to the current foam packaging being used, meanwhile aiming to provide a sustainable solution aligning with the organisations corporate sustainability mandates.

U-Channel Pads for Steel Tiles

The Solution

Signode’s Engineered Solutions design team suggested replacing the foam packaging with Signode’s sustainable Multi-Wall™ 5-ply U-Channel Pads. U-Channels are preformed protective pads constructed of laminated layers of 3/16″ A-flute, single-face corrugated paper that provide edge protection. Drop and handling tests showed that U-Channel Pads have similar damage resistance and load protection characteristics as foam. These pads offer a sustainable alternative to foam packaging and help provide protection throughout the transit stages.

Our Design Center

You see an appliance ready for your customer; our design center engineers see multiple surfaces, corners, and components that can be damaged during transit.

  • Assess – Together, we evaluate your product packaging requirements.
  • Design – Our packaging engineers create solutions tailored to your product's needs.
  • Execute – We produce prototype samples for evaluation.
  • Manufacture – Local production through 12 dedicated plants across the USA.
  • Support – We provide ongoing support throughout our partnership.

Optimal Outcomes

  • Elimination of single-use plastic in product packaging
  • Implemented new custom designed sustainable solution
  • Provided product protection via the transportation cycle

Download the optimal outcome in PDF.

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