Automatic Destrapper (ACU)

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Automatically remove circumferential strap from metal coils.
Automatic destrapper

Safely Remove Strap

Capable to remove circumferential strap under tension.

Improved Operations

Improved operator efficiency by eliminating man machine interaction.

High Throughput

Automate the destrapping process, in continuous coil rolling operations

Low Cost of Ownership

Ease of maintenance & serviceability

Automatic Destrapper (ACU)

The ACU circumferential coil strap removal machine is designed to take into account the metal industries current and future needs for improved operational efficiency. The units works fully automatically and eliminates the need for operators to perform the sometimes hazardous task of removing tensioned steel strap.

Features and Benefits

  • Improved line capacity and safety - highly consistent strap removal, strap rewinding and disposal 


  • Fixed machine version or indexing model
  • Rotating model to serve two coil lines
  • Coil handling rotation blocker rollers
  • Large or small waste strap bin 
  • Machine Safety Guarding Package 
  • Other PLC Control systems

Technical Specifications

Coil DiameterMin. 750mm
Coil WidthMin. 500mm
Strap Dimensions 19 - 32mm Steel Strap

The ACU can be applied as a moving or revolving model, the waste is rolled up by the machine after cutting and disposed in a waste container behind the automatic strap cutting machine.  

Solution Group

  • Products
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  • Automation
  • pack
  • bundle
  • unitize
  • warehouse
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