(Bar, Rod, Sheet) Bundle Strapping Machine

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  • Automation
  • pack
  • bundle
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Asia Pacific
The Signode BRS is suitable for billet, ingot, sheet and other flat surface applications for both length and cross strapping.
BRS Strapping Machine

Maximise Uptime

Seamlessly integrate with the existing mill operations

Maximize Machine Performance

Improve machine performance when using a Signode strapping head, designed with various benefits depending on model

Consistent Performance

Improved pack stability, with high and consistent strap tension.

Low Cost of Ownership

Ease of maintenance and serviceability.

BRS (Bar, Rod, Sheet) Strapping Machine

The Signode BRS bar, rod and sheet pack strapping machine has been designed as a modular unit with a range of machine options. The machines modules are designed according to requirements and takes into account the various needs of the metals industry.

Product Options 

  • Machine indexing on floor or on overhead gantry - depending on layout
  • Length or cross strapping versions available 
  • Automatic bottom batten applicator
  • Automatic top-edge protection applicator 
  • Automatic bottom edge protection applicator
  • Superjumbo coil strap dispenser 
  • Strap coil loading crane
  • Machine safety guarding package
  • Other PLC Control systems 

Technical Specifications

Pack WidthMin. 800mm
Pack HeightMin. 100mm
Pack LengthBetween 1 m to 6 m
Strap Feed Speed

1.5  to 3 m/sec (head dependent)

Strap TensionUp to 20,000 N (head dependant)
Strap Joint StrengthUp to 90% (head dependant)
Strap Dimensions19 - 32 mm Steel or PET

Solution Group

  • Products
  • Services
  • Integration
  • Automation
  • pack
  • bundle
  • unitize
  • warehouse
  • transport