Radial (Eye) Strapping Machines

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Radial or Eye Coil strapping machines for coil axis parallel to flow (EH) and coil axis perpendicular to flow (EHT).
EH Strapping Machine

Consistent Performance

Improved stability of metal coils with highly consistent strap tension.

Optimum Space Utilization

Available with Circular strap chute for EH model and single, twin, three headed for EVT model to optimize space.

Increased Coil Stability

Prevents end lap spring back & arrests telescopicity.

High Levels of Flexibility

Flexibility with option modules and multiple head choices.

Radial Strapping Machine

The Eye Horizontal strapping machine has been designed as a modular unit with a range of machine options to suit most industry needs and is designed to take into account the various demands of hot rolled steel coils, cold rolled steel coils, aluminium coils and other wide width coil applications.

Features and Benefits

  • High production throughputs in continuous coil rolling production operations
  • Minimum coil indentation and coil edge damage
  • Lower cost of ownership with easy service & maintenance

Product Options 

  • Hot Coil option 
  • Machine heat protection units 
  • Air cooling fan packages 
  • Strap coil loading crane
  • Machine Safety Guarding 
  • PLC Control systems 
  • Coil rotation or blocker roller unit  

Technical Specifications

Models available are:

  • EH3
  • EH 3-9 (Twin head application)
  • EHT 3
  • EHT 3-9 (Twin head application)
  • EHT 3-9-12 (Three head application)
Coil DiameterMin. 800mm
Coil WidthMin. 800mm
Coil TemperatureMax. 800° C 
Strap Feed Speed1,5 to 3 m/sec (head dependant)
Strap TensionUp to 20,000 N (head dependant)
Strap Joint StrengthUp to 90% (head dependant)
Strap Dimensions19 - 32 mm Steel or PET

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