Slit Coil Eye Strapping Machine

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Slit Coil Eye Strapping machine is designed to apply multiple eye straps with lifting & conveying mechanisms.
SVA strapping Machine

Consistent Performance

Improved stability of metal coils with highly consistent strap tension, arresting telescopicity

Maximized Uptime

Signode strapping heads facilitate maximum uptime throughout the strapping line

Optimum Floor Utilization

Flexibility of applying straps at multiple positions through a single strapping head

Custom-made Machines

 100% customizable according to the manufacturing line

Slit Coil Eye (SVA) Strapping machine

The SVA slit coil strapping machine is highly flexible and can be equipped with up to three strapping heads. The SVA strapping machine is designed to take into account the metals service centre's current and future needs.

Features and Benefits

  • High production throughputs in continuous coil rolling production operations
  • Maximum machine up-time with 
  • Increased flexibility with option modules 
  • Minimum coil indentation and coil edge damage
  • Lower cost of ownership with easy service & maintenance

Product Options 

  • Machine coil handling tables with coil centring device 
  • Entry and exit roller conveyors 
  • Superjumbo coil strap dispenser 
  • Strap coil loading crane 
  • Machine Safety Guarding Package 
  • Other PLC Control systems 
  • Available as single, double or triple headed machine 

Technical Specifications

Coil ODmin. 810 mm
Coil IDmin. 508mm
Coil Heightmin. 150 mm
Strap Feed Speed1.5 m/ sec to 3 m /sec (head dependent)
Strap Tension20000N (head dependent)
Strap Joint StrengthUp to 90% (head dependent)
Strap Dimensions16, 19, 32 mm Steel or PET

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